So, when I moved out to GP all I knew was that I had a mysterious "second cousin" relative. She's actually my mom's younger cousin, but she's closer to my age. Anyhoo... we had never met before I moved here, yet she and her family were amazing at welcoming me to the city and helping me feel like I wasn't so far from home. She has a 3-year old, that I will refer to as Spiderman, and he is SOOO cute! I friggin' LOVE him! They invited me to come to his 3-year-old birthday party and it was great fun. Here are some pics of the big guy!
Spiderman is all grown-up :) Wearing such grown-up clothes too!
Blowing out the candle! He was very excited about this part!
The amazing Shrek cake! Seriously, isn't it awesome??
All his presents... this is just moments before the chaos began...
He knows that his picture is being taken, lol. Isn't he adorable!
I can't wait til my next sleepover with this kids. He plays and listens so well. Plus, I think he loves me as much as I love him, haha. And he's soooo cute!!!
Thanks for letting me be a part of your family GPers!