Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Blog!

Ok... so I decided to completely revamp my blog instead!

Here's the new address:

There's lots of tweaking that still needs to get done - and none of the pages are written yet, but it will all come in time :) Enjoy!

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Special Delivery

Yay! Christmas time is here!! I'm so excited for Christmas. I thought at 25 maybe I'd be less excited, but I think that having Mr. A around has made this year even more exciting! I've been spending time with his family (from here and visiting) so much that they're really starting to feel like my family. It's been a great vacation. If I can't be home with my mama and papa in Ontario, I don't think I could ask for anything better than this!

Also, this wonderful package arrived from home :) with stockings for me and Mr. A!

The last few days have been great (I'll. give more details soon). I can't wait to see what the next few days hold!

Ps - sorry for all the exclamation marks! I'm just really happy!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Layout

I'm experimenting with a new background. I'm also contemplating changing the name, but I may just change the URL... So many decisions. I know some of you like my blog name. It'll stay as long as I can't think of another name! Thoughts?! Ideas?!? I'll take anything you've got!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One Word

If you could use one word to describe me, what word would it be? Just ONE word.


Monday, December 12, 2011

5 Reasons

Here are 5 reasons that I'm thrilled that my bestest friend of life is here!

In no particular order....
1. It feels like home has come to GP!
2. We got to exchange awesome Christmas gifts
3. She'll now understand all my random references over skype or the phone
4. She could give her "A-OK" to my Mr. A :)
5. It had been a while since I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe

I love her and I'm super happy that she took the time to come and see me! Hopefully there will be some pics from her visit to follow... Thanks friend!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Apartment Christmas

Christmas has invaded my life and apartment. Here's a sneak peak of what I've done with the small amount of free stuff that I've collected this year.

Stockings that mom and dad sent me last year :)

The mini-Christmas tree that we made, free lights (on the balcony), and the blanket I (or rather Mr. A) won at a Christmas party. Joop is clearly enjoying the Christmas fun.

Presents!!! (these just magically showed up!)

I know I've been posting a lot of Christmas things lately, but I just love Christmas time! It's been such a great time of year. I feel like I'm at home this year and it's been wonderful to fill up my life with Christmas joy. My bestie visiting from Ontario also makes it feel a bit more like home :) I'm enjoying the holidays so much already and they haven't even started!

Hope you're pre-holidays are going fantastically as well!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

More Treats

I was inspired by my friend who is a soon-to-be-baby-mama to make some Christmas bonbons!

They are basically little balls of sugar. So good! But you can only eat one at a time. Unless you are me and my brother, circa ages 6 and 8, sneaking them from the garage fridge five at a time.

If you really wanna make them...

1. Get a brick of cream cheese
2. Add a tsp of vanilla
3. Add icing sugar until it gets to the consistency that when you scoop some on a spoon and turn the spoon upside-down it doesn't fall off
4. Split in two and add food colouring as desired
5. Scoop up with a spoon and drop on parchment paper
(6. roll bon bon in coconut if you want)

Super easy. Aaaand delicious! (one at a time). Yumm :)

ps - I also made nuts & bolts!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tasty Treats

I've been on a bit of a crazy baking kick lately. I think it's due to a combination of five main factors:

1. I miss my mommy (who I did all the Christmas baking with!)
2. I no longer have homework or exams at Christmas time
3. I have a real job to afford all of the ingredients
4. I have a manfriend and his family that I like baking for
5. They're delicious!

They're just rice krispie squares but they look prettier :) You can find the link to the recipe for the treats I made here. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Cards!

I tried to make all of my Christmas cards this year. If you're lucky, you just may end up with one of these lovely creations :)

ps - none of the cards have money in them... just so you know.
pps - I made duplicates of most of them so there are lots to go around!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Epic Baby Prediction

Ok folks... just remember that you heard it here first. These are my epic baby predictions. Above is my beautiful pregnant friend (that hopefully doesn't mind me stealing her photo...) who is expecting a little baby this month (probably... or next month).

These are my predictions:

Birthday: Dec. 28th
Sex: Female
Weight: 7lbs, 4 oz.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde (but it'll turn red-orange when she's like two)
Cuteness: 10 (out of a possible 10)

Let's see how close I get! Feel free to make your own predictions...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

5 Reasons I Am Happy It's December 1st!

1. Gonna put up the Christmas Tree (someone.... made me wait 'til December....)
2. Holiday Baking :)
3. Joop's Christmas bandanas
4. Presents are bought

....ok so this list is gonna be a bit longer...

6. I'm making a fresh batch of Nuts and Bolts on Saturday
7. I'm gonna send out home-made Christmas cards
8. I get to celebrate with a family again this year!
9. Christmas music starts on the radio
10. I get presents too :)

So, 10 reasons I'm happy!