Monday, October 31, 2011

5 Things

I decided to make a list of 5 things I like to do with my alone time. Don't get me wrong, I'm a super social being. If being super social was a type of super hero, I would be that hero. Buuuut occasionally I need a night to myself to relax and unwind. Here are 5 my the things I do almost every time I get one of those nights:

1. Drink wine or tea (depends on my mood)
2. Read a good book
3. Take a bubble bath
4. Make an amazing meal or snack (like... I'm talking elaborate Holly Housewifey food!)
5. Blog

True story. The combination of these things often leads to a perfect night, and an even perfecter sleep. I know you all want a night to yourself now.

Preparing for the Christmas Season

It may be a bit early for a Christmas prep post, but here are my reasons...
1. It's the next holiday
2. The first snowflakes fell in GP today
3. I love Christmas time :)

So... another Christmas season that I'm gonna be away from home and I'm already sad about it. Skype is a huge blessing in my life - I really don't think

I'd be able to live this far away if I couldn't skype my mama once a week. I'm already anticipating the hard times being away from my family for another holiday season. It's strange to join with other families and learn about other families' traditions. I am going to miss having eggs and bacon in the morning, and having big piles of "stocking stuffers", and sitting around in my pajamas for 3/4 of the day, and eating Christmas bon bons.

Things I am looking forward to as we enter a new season:
1. Making Christmas cookies
2. Buying gifts for people I love
3. Making Christmas cards (hopefully!)
4. Sending Christmas cards
5. Getting new boots

It is going to be a great season, and I'm grateful to be surrounded by amazing people to spend my holidays with here :) (One amazing person in particular...)

Hope it wasn't to early to grace you with some festive cheer!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall Leaves

Well, I've officially made it to my second fall in Grande Prairie. It has been a very full year. Some ups, some downs, some very exciting things. I thought it would be a huge transition... moving all the way to northern Aberta. But I find that I don't feel all that far from home. I guess I've made my own life, and found my own family out here. Having actual family out here helps as well!

It's the little things that make me feel far from home. I love the fall in Ontario. It's always been my favourite season. The colours are so beautiful and the leaves cover the ground so perfectly. Fall in GP is not the same. It only lasts 2 weeks. The trees turn yellow, the winds pick up, and then all the leaves fall off the trees. Its short and swift. The leaves are still beautiful, but it's not the same. I miss the red and orange. I miss maple trees in general. I miss sitting on the back porch drinking something warm, and wearing a sweater. I miss walking with my mama. It's funny how one thing I miss leads me on a string of missed memories.

I'm very glad that I've moved to GP. Wonderful things are happening in my life, and I am very happy. It's just different. Some days I miss home more than others. Hopefully GP will soon be the home and I miss when I'm away.

If you're in Ontario, try to enjoy the leaves for me!