It's that time of year again when people make resolutions to "change their life" for the better. The typical ones include "lose weight", "exercise regularly", "quit smoking", "pay off my debt" - you know, the classics.
Unfortunately, they are the classics for a reason, and I'm going to follow in the same path as every other sucker. The difference is... I will be successful! LOL.
So here we go...
1) Lose weight. This will take baby steps. Step one being to change my diet habits. The first goal is to lose 20 lbs - then we'll see after that. I think I can, I think I can...
2) To be a more avid reader. I don't want to go crazy, I just want to accomplish my goal of reading 30 classic novels this year.
3) To pay off my OSAP. It's only a portion of my lovely debt-load but it's definitely do-able if I'm careful with my spending.
4) Travel. I don't have a lot of vacation time with work, and I already know of a couple of "engagements" that I'll have to be taking time off for, but somehow I need to fly or drive somewhere that doesn't involve an agenda, and isn't home (although I do have to go home too... obviously).
Well, that about sums 'er up.
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