Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Running Game

Wow. It's been a longer than I thought. Sorry to my faithful follower. (That means you Nate)

Running sucks. Let's just say it how it is. I have friends that say they love to run, but in my head every time they say that I say "yeah, I'm sure you do. You probably love picking up dog poop too."

More than hating running, I hate training to run. Every other day on the treadmill. Working ever so hard to make it 1 minute past what I did the last time, or trying my hardest to run at 5.7 instead of 5.6, or trying desperately to make it to 2.6 km instead of 2.5.

ARGGGGG. Why am I doing this?!?
This truth is, deep down, l just wanna be hot. I wanna look and feel great about myself, so I'm torturing myself in hopes that I only have to do it temporarily.

The second truth is that I already feel better about myself. Every small accomplishment brings satisfaction and confidence with it. I'm proud of where I've come from and I'm proud of the 0.5 extra that I can run since a week ago. I'm hoping to join a free learn-to-run group that starts in a month. The idea is that at the end of it, everyone in the group will be able to run 10K. I don't know if that's true, but I do know that it can't hurt me to try. Who knows.. maybe I'll even like running at the end of all this!

Probably not.


  1. hey! i follow this too! (well maybe not as faithfully as Nate I suppose...)
    2 things:
    1) you are already hot. but you know this i know.
    2) i am impressed. you can do it! keep us posted!
    love from jen

  2. i love running and i don't not like picking up poo..just saying. and i aslo think you can love running too! feels so good eh? and i agree with jen, you are for sure already hot! but running gives you the energy to feel on top of the world. so keep it up chicka, 10k here you come!
    - Alyssa :)
