Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Wow, I really have not been updating this puppy! My bad. There's not much going on right now. Here are my updates in a nutshell....

I'm swinging nicely into my summer therapy schedule at work

I'm going camping this weekend with friends from church

Mosquitos are taking over Grande Prairie

Joop is incessantly trying to dig his way under my stove but I can't figure out why cause I can't find any food there

I will never go to a movie on a Tuesday night again in GP (insanity!!!!)

My mom and grandma are coming to visit me in one month exactly :)

That's about all. My life is good. Everything feels pretty mundane these days. It'll be strange when my entire office leaves for vacation and there are only a couple of us left. Luckily I've schedules myself to be fairly busy so it should be alright.

Later gater :)

1 comment:

  1. hi Lindi!
    yaay, I love hearing what you're up to, just the everyday little things of life. :)
    much love to you in GP!
    love from Jen
    ps I posted about the bun on my blog ;)
