This past week I was lucky enough to have some visitors in GP. Not only one, but TWO of them! My mom and her mom (my grandma) both risked the long layovers to see where their long lost daughter was hiding these days. It was a great week and I'm so happy that they were both able to come.
We stayed busy each day and I finally had the chance to show them around my world. I think we did everything we could have in one week, except maybe visit the dinosaur tours in pipestone.
I can just hear my mom on skype now... "Oh! Muskiseepi park? That's where we went right?" or "Beaverlodge! That's where we saw the giant beaver, right?" Oh she makes me laugh. But it really will be great to talk about people and places and to know that she actually can picture those things. It feels like they are much more involved in my life, even though they may be
4000 kms away.
So glad they came :) Here are some pics from our adventures!
Standing in front of the roller coaster she conquered!
Some rickety old houses at the McNaught (mom's maiden name) homestead.
Hanging out by the bridge at Dunvegan
Waiting for our turn to lose at the horse races at evergreen park :)
Clearly it was a pretty great week!