Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Quality Girl Time

Girlfriends are SO important, no matter how old you are, and what stage of life you are in. I've have been more than blessed with amazing girlfriends in every town that I've lived in. GP is no exception to that rule!

These are a couple of my gorgeous ladies! I was blessed to meet these beautiful women at my church. We've only known each other for a few months, but already we've been there for each other through thick and thin. It is so important to have people in your life who will be honest with you, support you, and tell you what you need to hear (whether you want to hear it or not!). I believe everyone women needs other strong women in their lives for many reasons:
- Accountability
- Prayer
- Fun
- Venting (we all do it!)
- Wisdom
- Excitement
- Support
So far I think these women have been there for me whatever the reason. Hopefully they know how much I appreciate the friendship and that I gladly will return the favor whenever it's needed!

Here are some pics from our fun in the park:

Beautiful smiles ladies :)

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