"Be careful!"
"You should be more careful"
"Be careful next time!"
Oy! How is that advice! All I think is "great, thanks, if only someone had told me to be careful earlier, i've been running around carelessly". How does one be more careful? avoid going outside? avoid fun? let fear of hurting my arm consume me? argg... I'm so frustrated with hearing that I should be careful. Its not constructive advice, or positive advice, or comforting. If anything it makes me feel pitied - "oh, you poor girl, you should be more careful" - as though i'm the only person ever to break a bone or as though they are superior because they never would've been careless enough to let this happen. I'm sure everyone means well...
Ok, sorry. I had to vent. I'm such a grumpasaurus.
p.s. - I accidentally got a glow-in-the-dark cast, lol
p.p.s. - sorry, if you gave me this advice! I still appreciate you.... :)