Saturday, March 19, 2011

5 things I hate about this day

1. taking out the garbage
2. getting mad at my dog for pulling too hard on his leash
3. not having anyone here to hug me
4. horrific pain. seriously worse than ever before.
5. being grumpy

ps - I broke my wrist again last night :(


  1. i totally get the no hug thing... i know that when i'm happy that a 10 year old who had annoyed me for 50min straight hugged me on the way out of class that i'm in need of some contact...

    how did you break your wrist????


  2. This is why you should move here! We could hug each other! lol

    I was curling and slid, and did one of those feet over the head falls. I was fragile though cause I just got my other cast off.... stupid wrist!

  3. maybe you should avoid things with ice/snow. You seem to be partial to breaking wristy things when you engage in those sorts of activities.

  4. ahh i missed the response... silly blog not letting me comment non-anonymously... and hows finding me a job going? and just think of your cast as a hug for your wrist :)


  5. HUG!!! I totally understand not having anyone to hug. (I guess Technically I have Gramma, but she doesn't like hugs and her hugs are more bony than satisfying...)

    I'm sad you broke your wrist! (although at the same time I am impressed you were curling)!

    I miss you!!
