Friday, March 4, 2011

5 great things

Here are 5 more things I'm loving right now:

1. Buying kitchen supplies (e.g. new beaters!)

2. ENGAGEMENTS!!! Can't say who... but someone I know is getting married!!

3. Dinner parties with new friends that cause you to stay up laughing hysterically and drinking wine long into the night

4. New jewellery. My bestie gave me a ring that I wear on my thumb these days. I heart the ring. true story.

5. The fact that my daddy is coming to visit! Well... he's mostly coming to see his new bike, but he's also visiting a bit!

Anything you are loving right now?! Add to the list!

ps - these are in no particular order... I don't like kitchen supplies more than engagements, lol.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know.. kitchen supplies are pretty great :)

    6. I'm loving right now. a lot.
